In chronological order:
​Taco Bell Quarterly - "Ponyo Poem"
ANMLY - "in this hydrocortisone house"
Tinderbox Poetry Journal - "Echolocation for The Self"
Honey Literary (2024) - "Electric-Fire Type Haibun"
The Lickety Split (2024) - "How to Eat a Poem"
Kweli Journal (2023) - "Letter B"
Underblong (2023) - "Penelope the Platypus"
Free the Verse (2023) - "Dementia Dispatch"
TMPxMPM (2023) - "I didn't know my heart was made of glow sticks"
The Bellingham Review (2023) - "poem born from leaving iPhone dictation on while calling a friend"
Sine Theta (2023) - “being a successful poet is like being a successful mushroom,”
- (2023) - "relentless & çƒé—¹"
Kissing Dynamite (2022) - "sorry, we weren't that close"
Good Life Review (2021), Author Q&A
Queer Rain (2021) - "Expat's Tonsillectomy'
Agave Review (2019), "alphabet soup"

Building Bold 2017 Showcase (New York City)
Individual World Poetry Slam 2018 (IWPS), Sacrificial Poet & Time Keeper (San Diego, CA)
San Diego Poetry Team Event: October Slam Competition (2019)
​MOSAICS Art Showcase: Policing (Malcolm X Library in San Diego, CA)​
La Palabra Art Gallery (san Diego, CA)
San Diego Art Institute Friday Poetry Night
SNAPS Bi-Monthly 5C Open Mic & Workshop Host/Facilitator/Performer (’20-21)
Slam the Silence: Poetry Showcase for Mental Health (Zoom)
CANCELLED BY COVID: Costa Mesa Community College Featured Performer & Open Mic Host, CA
The Lansing Refugee Development Center (RDC) x The Poetry Room (Zoom)
Sunday Jump, Los Angeles, CA (Zoom)
New Delhi Poetry Slam: Emdash Workshop, Delhi, Inida (Zoom)
Raising HAAPIness: Fundraiser for Anti-Asian Hate Foundation (Zoom)
Jersey City Reads & ArtCo. Arts Festival
1st Year Student MFA Reading at Rutgers-Newark
Unnamable Books (Brooklyn, NYC)
Exquisites Reading Series (Brooklyn, NYC)
P&T Knitwear: Book Launch for Vincent Toro (NYC)